Friday, December 2, 2011

Studying Abroad Excitement

Studying abroad is great experience and will change your life. Like what was mentioned in previous blogs, there is a lot things to do, experiences, and life changing activities. In this blog I will talk briefly about each of these activities.
When you do a study abroad you to do many things that you can’t do in the United States or things you would not normally do. Some the students in my management and marketing class that went on the Europe study abroad this semester
One of the experiences you get is working with people from different backgrounds. You get a first-hand task of how people do business in other parts of the country. You learn what other students do for school and for fun. There is many new foods you get to try.
There is many life changing experiences that goes with studying abroad. You meet a ton of new people that you may never have met before.  You get to see a lot of new sceneries.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

University of Antwerp

  During our stay in Antwerp, because we were studying the European Union, we were studying at the university.  This university was incredible to say the least.  We were studying at the university a week before the school actually opened for the other students.  We got to pretty much explored most of the campus and saw the classrooms and the two open areas where there were gardens and places for students to sit out and enjoy the day.  I always loved walking through there because it was so quiet and everyone seemed so relaxed.
  I loved the atmosphere of the university.  The teachers seemed really cool and knew what they were talking about.  The teacher we had for our European class was extremely helpful and spoke very good English.  After class we sometimes decided to stop by their gathering area called the "Augora" perhaps I spelled that wrong but it was basically a meeting area inside the university where you could get food or drinks and just relax.  The employees were always cheerful and happy to help you.  If I had another opportunity to go back and study there, probably would have to learn Flemish, I would without doubt go!
  For more information on visiting the University of Antwerp with the group I went with visit here